STAC s.r.l. since 1974 in Italy, produces and supplies various types of water pumps and relative accessories. Thanks to the continuous offer of quality products at reasonable price and thanks to its passionate and competent management, the Company has reached a quite important position at international level. Its products include:

- Surface electric centrifugal pumps of various powers and performances made in cast iron and in stainless steel.
- Submerged electric water pumps for light and heavy sewages made in cast iron, stainless steel and in plastic materials.
- Pumps and monoblock electric pumps for deep wells of 3” – 4” – 5” – 6” – 8” with stainless steel impellers.
- Electric surface IEC Motors- submersible motors at NEMA standards.
- Special Pumps (liquid ring pumps for foods, swimming pool pumps, pumps with anti-explosion motors etc.)
Stainless Steel Multistage Pumps
Pumps fully made of stainless steel suitable for domestic, agricultural and industrial applications. All parts which are in contact with the pumped liquid are stainless steel in order to grant a maximum hygiene and resistance against corrosion.
Stainless Steel Draining Pumps For Clean, Slightly Dirty, Dirty Water And Heavy Sewages
Pump body, suction grill, seal housing disc and motor pump body: stainless steel
Impeller and diffusers: stainless steel
Motor shaft: stainless steel
Clean Water – High Heads
Pumps with three channel impeller for clean water. Particularly recommended when high heads are requested.
Construction materials:
Motor cover, pump body, casing, impeller: cast iron G20
Motor shaft: stainless steel
- Power: 1.1 up to 2.2kW
- Q: 58 up to 555 l/min
- H: 2 up to 24 meters
5’’ Close-Coupled Submersible Pumps
Pump body, head, impellers, diffusers, shaft, suction strainer, screws: stainless steel
Double mechanical seal separated by an oil chamber (in compliance with FDA – Food,
Drug Administration and annex G.U. n° 104 of 20/04/73 for oils in contact with food stuffs)