Aturia started its activities in Milan, Italy, in 1927 operating in the Centrifugal Pumps sector and became a leader in the Submersible Electric Pumps field by patenting the Submersible motor in 1946. Over time Aturia acquired four top Italian companies: Rotos, Marelli, Audoli & Bertola and Aris Chiappa.

Rotos was set up in 1919 and manufactured electric motors, Monobloc pump, multistage pumps and vertical pumps.

Marelli was founded in 1891, it began to manufacture electric motors and centrifugal pumps in 1898.

Audoli & Bertola was founded in 1890 and over the years it strengthened its presence on the market in terms of applications for the heavy industry. Moreover, its office in Turin is currently a center of excellence for fire-fighting systems (NFPA20, FM).

G. Chiappa Fonderie was established in Turin in 1921 as a steel plant and started to manufacture bronze, aluminum and cast iron casts.
Aturia is currently a leader in the pumping business for its high production quality of Submersible, Surface, Process and firefighting pumps.
Process pumps
Gruppo Aturia provides the best quality products for areas involving extremely heavy-duty services that require high-tech pumps compliant with international standards. Pumps manufactured to the best serve the chemical and petrochemical plants, geothermic, reverse osmosis, desalination, off-shore and cryogenic fluids.